Recent Reviews and Comments

  • Beth Mayberry wrote; I've always known you were incredibly talented Melony but your photography is more like gifted instead of just talent.
  • Donna Robinson wrote; You are Gifted....what a Heart.
  • Jamie Ferree Muller wrote; Your work is fantastic and you are a true professional who cares about every detail!! You deserve all the recognition in the world!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Senior Portraits and Portfolios

Holy smokes, it's SENIOR season!!!! Where has the time gone? It seems like just a short time ago I hung out on the sidelines of a soccer field, a football field,  baseball field or elementary school classroom assisting teachers and coaches as they guided our "bobble heads" through the task at hand. It just flew by. Instead of packing lunches many of us will soon be packing our babies belongings to head off to college (sniff, sniff).

While there is joy and satisfaction when your children are able to fly the nest strong and confident there is also this thing called the "empty nest". I dread it, my hubby welcomes it. He say's it's our new chapter. I know he's right, but can't we just freeze the moment for a while??? I can't be the only mom to ever feel this way....   :)

Since it's inevitable, as we gear up for graduations all over the country, don't let the opportunity pass to have your senior (by themselves and/or with friends),and leaving the nest (with family) portraits done. There will be traditional portraits for mom and dad as well as the "cool" shots for your senior to choose from.This time is a landmark in not only our kid's lives, but ours as well.  I have packages which start as low as $99 so these portraits are very much within reach. It's a choice you will always be glad to made.

Wishing You Joy, 



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